Sale of land, Attracting investment
Abay region
All ore objects known in the area were collected, summarized and classified by genetic type. A comprehensive analysis of all available materials, prospecting features and geological prerequisites for all types of minerals was carried out, including maps of primary and secondary dispersion halos of chemical elements and metasomatically altered rocks. As a result of the analysis, maps of minerals and patterns of their distribution, mineragenic zoning schemes with the identification of ore zones, ore nodes (ore-bearing areas) and ore fields of specific objects, and mineral forecast schemes were compiled. The mineral resource forecast diagrams highlight promising areas of the first and second stages for prospecting. We are considering several potential deposits for the extraction of gold and other valuable metals: Altybay zone: Here the search for gold is distributed in the form of placers. We estimate the content to be approximately 16 tonnes of gold with a metal concentration of 0.40 grams per cubic metre. Borlysor zone: Here the searches are associated with quartz-type gold mines. We estimate approximately 5.4 tonnes of gold grading 5 grams per tonne. Murzhik zone: Here we are also looking for gold in quartz veins. The projected estimate indicates approximately 9.7 tonnes of gold at a concentration of 5.0 grams per tonne. Mailykara zone: Gold and copper deposits in porphyry formations are of interest here. Approximately 1.1 million tonnes of copper grading 9.7% and approximately 6.4 tonnes of gold grading 7.2 grams per tonne are expected. For the Altybay zone, specialized work is planned to search for and evaluate gold placers. It is important to note that the gold content in the main composition and the main accompanying components averages 3.4 grams per cubic meter. These data provide insight into the potential of various zones for the extraction of valuable metals and highlight the importance of further research and assessment.
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